
Follow our team as we compete in MoonBots 2012! We are Asa, Kyle, and Matt (Captain). Email: matt@mattjensen.com
Our rover, "Inspiration", is designed to move over a sandy, rocky, lunar landscape. It navigates with binaural ultrasound, and can also be remotely controlled with a joystick.

UPDATE: We had a great webcast on 2012-11-11 at the Museum of Flight! Video to be posted soon.

MoonBots 2012 Mission -- The Penguin Men

MoonBots 2012 Mission -- The Penguin Men

Note: These rules supplement the basic MoonBots rules which apply to all teams. For those common rules, see: http://moonbots.org/sites/default/files/2012_moonbots_a_google_lunar_x_prize_mindstorms_challenge_official_rules-v2.pdf

1. Landscape Setup
The lunar landscape shall be covered with a layer of fine sand to simulate lunar dust. The layer should be between ⅛” and ½”, and should cover all flat areas on both sides of the High Ridge. Sand should not be placed on the Starting Base or any of the Mission Items. It can optionally be placed on the ramps on either side of the High Ridge.

2. Robot Activation
When the referee says “Go”, the team may press one button or sensor on the robot to activate its mission program. They may not touch the robot again without a touch penalty.

3. Return To Starting Base
* The robot, and all items on or touching it, are considered to have “returned” to Starting Base when any part of the robot, or cargo it is carrying, touches or is over any part of the Starting Base that falls within the A4 size limit. The entire robot does not need to be back on the base.
* If a dismount ramp is attached to the Starting Base, touching the ramp does not count as returning to Starting Base; the flat part of the Starting Base must be touched by, or underneath,  the robot.
* Mission Items are considered to be Touching the robot if they are sitting on or above the robot, and if being dragged by robot components, but not by a string, cord, hose, chain, or other long contraption obviously designed to shorten the distance the Mission Items must travel.

4. Touch Penalty
Once the robot mission program has been activated, any touching of the robot results in a touch penalty, unless the robot has returned to the Starting Base.

5. Task: Starting Base Dismount
After robot activation, a successful dismount consists of the robot moving off the Starting Base under robot power, until no part of the robot or its attachments lie above or on the flat Starting Base, or any dismount ramp, and the robot has traveled at least an additional two inches, under robot power, during the remainder of the mission attempt. When the robot leaves the Starting Base, it must remain upright (i.e., not flipped over) for at least the first two inches of powered travel past the Starting Base.

6. Task: High Ridge Traversal
To traverse the High Ridge means to get from the starting side to the Mission Area side without causing substantial damage to either the robot or the landscape.  The High Ridge has been traversed with all of the robot, and anything attached to it, have made it on to the flat surface of the Mission Area. In addition, to qualify for points, the robot must then travel at least four further inches under its own power.

7. Task: Mission Item Discovery
Each mission item is “discovered” when it is first touched by the robot or its appendages.

8. Task: Mission Item Retrieval
The mission items which can be retrieved from the Mission Area are two H2O modules, and one HE3 module.  At least two of these must be returned by the robot to the Starting Base.

9. Task: Visit Heritage Artifacts
Each Heritage Artifact (Surveryor 3 probe (S3), and Lunar Module Descent Stage (LMDS)), can be “visited” for points. A visit consists of:
* The robot approaches to within six inches of any part of the artifact, and stops for at least five seconds.
* When the robot stops in front of the artifact, the robot must face the artifact; the artifact must be less than 45 degrees  away from the robot’s straight-ahead direction.
* The robot never touches the artifact during the mission (this promotes preservation).
* Long extensions to the robot are not considered part of the robot for this task; the main bulk of the robot must be within six inches of the artifact.

10. Task: Solar Power
Points are earned if the Solar Battery is brought from one side of the High Ridge to the other, and placed on the dormant robot.
* The robot can drop the battery onto the dormant robot, but at least part of the battery must be touching the top of the dormant robot at the conclusion of the mission.

11. Scoring
Each task earns the team the following points:
TaskEligible Points
Starting Base Dismount20 points
High Ridge Traversal50 points
Mission Item Discovery: Any of 2 ice or 1 He315 points each
Mission Item Retrieval: Any of 2 ice or 1 He350 points each
Visit Heritage Artifacts: Any of 250 points each
Solar Power70 points
Total Possible Points435 points

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