
Follow our team as we compete in MoonBots 2012! We are Asa, Kyle, and Matt (Captain). Email: matt@mattjensen.com
Our rover, "Inspiration", is designed to move over a sandy, rocky, lunar landscape. It navigates with binaural ultrasound, and can also be remotely controlled with a joystick.

UPDATE: We had a great webcast on 2012-11-11 at the Museum of Flight! Video to be posted soon.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Demo at New Horizon School

Matt gave a demo of our Inspiration rover last week, at New Horizon School in Renton, WA. He also talked about the engineering mindset, and careers in technology. The middle school students had great questions, and helped Matt diagnose a problem with the rover!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Highlight Video

Here's a five-minute version of the highlights of our rover, "Inspiration". For details about our mission, live webcast, our software which we've made Open Source, and photos, see this blog post.